Rachanaa And The Environment

The Rachanaa group truly believes that it is the natural habitat of every space that defines its very essence. Understanding the environment and giving something back to it is what drives the CSR at Rachanaa that constantly endeavors to create sustainable development and a greener realty.

Certain norms as well as values are fulfilled to respect society and its manifold offerings. Rachanaa group is proud to have contributed in some ways to the environment and will continue to do so in the coming years.

On the anvil, is the Green Building project, which is soon going to be pioneered by Rachanaa. This highlight is going to feature in our current projects and all the upcoming projects as well. In addition, Rachanaa (Bhandup) and Rachanaa Gardens (Mulund) is a sprawling example of the greener spaces that Rachanaa group endorses consistently.